@Self: Current object
@Parent: Parent object
@Config: Configs in yod
@Xxx: Other pre-defined random data generator
In yod, Array is not object, only the plain javascript object.
// 定义一个用户类型
yod.type('User', {
id: '@Id',
firstName: '@First',
myFirstNameLength: '@Self.firstName.length',
lastName: '@Last',
'@Self.lastName': 'is my family name', // Hack the object key!
fullName: '@Self.firstName @Self.lastName',
nickName: '@Nick',
chineseName: '@ChineseName',
children: '@First.repeat(1, 3)', // Return an array.
favouriteChild: '@Self.children.sample', // Use lodash's `sample` function
age: '@Age(adult)',
to100: '` 100 - @Self.age `', // Execute the JS code.
telephone: '@Tel',
avatar: '@Avatar',
others: {
objectInArray: [{a: '@Parent.Parent.age', b: '@Tel'}],
getSystemConfig: '@Config.system.word.face.sample',
words: 'Hello, my name is @Parent.fullName, you can call me @Parent.nickName.',
bestFriends: '@Nick.repeat(2, 3).join(", ")' // Use native JS's `join` function
// 重复生成 2 - 4 个用户
status: 'ok',
list: '@User.repeat(2, 4)'
// 你也可以直接返回一个数组(去掉下面注释可以查看结果)
// console.log(yod('@User.repeat(2, 4)'));